This is Eileen's 3rd year teaching junior-level physics at a selective enrollment public high school in Chicago. She has also taught anatomy & physiology and chemistry. Eileen earned her BS in Food Science and Human Nutrition from U of I 2015 and began her career as a Registered Dietitian, working on a childhood obesity research study for a number of years before going back to pursue teaching. After earning her Masters in Secondary Education from U of I 2021, Eileen went into teaching with a desire to teach chemistry, but fell into a position teaching physics, and has come to love it with no plans of looking back! When not teaching, Eileen can be found running on Lakeshore with friends, baking way too many cookies, and searching for the best pastries Chicago has to offer.
Eileen is really enjoying being part of IPaSS Cohort 4 because of the collaboration and support as a newer teacher for how she can provide a more rigorous and supportive physics education for all students.